Viking Dusty's "Blog Classic"

A small, poignant slice of the curious pie that is Dusty's brain.

Monday, November 28, 2005

dusty's post... the sequel

Well, this is my second post. Hopefully, i will actually start doing this thing with more regularity. And eventually, maybe even by my next entry, i may even talk about something of importance. However, meaningful discussion will be left for another day. Today's topic:

Why do women like the movie Pride and Predjudice? I would appreciate feedback on this question; both speculation from the male populace and answers from the female portion of my non-existent readership. And i am not talking about this new 2 hour long movie that has recently come out, i am referring to the 6 hour monstrosity.

And to those people thinking that i need to watch it before i can knock it... i have seen it and i want at least 4 hours of that portion of my life back!